Swedes – funny, adventurous and hardworking

Whilst working in the Swedish office of our law firm last year, I had the opportunity to sample and experience the Swedish working environment, the Swedish work ethic and the culture which forms part of daily life in Sweden.

As workers, the Swedes maintain the exterior that no task is ever too large to conquer; no effort to assist is ever too much. Whether this means arriving super-early at work to be prepared for an early meeting, staying late to get a job done, or entertaining into the ”wee small hours”, the Swedes appear to take it all very much in their stride.

What strikes one most about the Swedes is the way in which things are accomplished: no drama, no excuses, and no delay! It is always a great source of amusement and surprise to find that the Swedes do not tend to believe in barriers; nor do they share a ”it cannot be done” attitude. Oh no! The Swedes find a solution – no matter what! The Swedes’ disciplined, organised and ”can-do” approach to both work and life is unparalleled.

Team work is abundantly apparent in the Swedish workplace. Whilst working in our corporate team in Sweden, it was evident to me that a great connection existed between and amongst colleagues in the way that they shared similar work experiences and supported one another through tough deals. This must be the case in many countries, but especially in Sweden as no team member ever seemed to be out of the loop at any stage of the deal and was always aware of what was going on. Good or bad, when it comes to the aspect of efficiency, I am not always sure, but very welcomed when making all parties feel involved.

This working relationship in some cases tends to extend into the weekends where Swedish colleagues often get together socially – even if it means in a competitive manner, by way of a golf championship! The latter type of activity tends to be very popular when entertaining external parties as well, only then not at the weekend…but during the work day from Monday to Friday.

Lunch is a very social affair usually spent at work or in a restaurant where groups of colleagues join together to catch up on their life stories. A good hour would be taken for luncheon – enough time to catch up, digest and take a break from the working environment. Swedes take their lunch break to recharge and be ready for the afternoon. To me, a sensible and industrious approach to work.

And, what about the ”fika” – a Swedish institution if ever there was – whether at work or play! How much time must be spent over coffee and cake, catching up on the latest deal or gossip. It was a novelty to me when I experienced my first ”fika” but one that soon became a regular enjoyable event.

The Swedes really know how to socialise! In a working environment one feels as a very welcomed colleague, visitor and friend to those with who time is spent.

Do the Swedes get anything done then, one could question. This is the wonder of the Swedes though. Although there are the social activities, meetings, catching up, lunch hours and ”fikas”, the Swedes are a hardworking group, respecting deadlines and their quality of work. Mix all of the above ingredients and what you get is a very likeable group, with a sense of fun and adventure.

Always ready for a challenge and always armed with a sense of humour, the Swedes seem to have it all worked out when it comes to a good work/life balance.

By Michelle Watson, Associate in London at Bird & Bird


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